Monday, June 13, 2011

visiting with fear......

I visited with a long time friend today and witnessed fear in its raw form. Anxiety was coming out of every pore in his being. His eyes spoke a language that made me cringe and he trembled while trying so hard to be still. He was being paralyzed by his fear. It is incredible to see something intangible create such a tangible effect. I could feel his discomfort. I could taste the bitterness of the moment. It's hard to know what to say.........I searched for words that would help him but words were empty. The human spirit is very resilient, but this spirit is almost used up. Emotionally, psychologically and physically he is pretty much bankrupt and that is so sad to see. I fear the day that he will die of a broken spirit. A spirit that just could not come back from its personal devastation. I was seeing a life wasted and it breaks my heart. I listen to him and I support him the best way I know how......I'm not sure it is enough though. We talked for two hours covering many topics. The one bright spot in his life right now is a dog named "Maggie". My friend lost his dog "Jack" around 6 months ago and it was a huge blow to him. Jack had been his 'best friend'....and I had heard him speak of Jack as the most special thing in his life. Losing Jack was hard, but now 6 months later a new rescue dog was entering his life. Maggie as he describes her is bereft with is my friend. This may be a key to them both being able to help each other at this time in their lives. This is what my friend believes and I must let him believe that. It may actually help. My heart is sad though that his life is at this point and is so unstable. He says he wakes up every day and hopes for a good day. Bless his heart. I might tend to think differently. One of my concerns is that he will die before he can experience anything different in life such as the absence of fear and a life without anxiety. It is eroding him inside and out. So sad.......I can only send him energy free of fear. May he recieve it and feel a moment of freedom.

I care about you M. May you find your peace in this lifetime........

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