Monday, December 29, 2008

Special Screening!!

There will be a special screening of Wayne Dyer's new movie called "Ambition to Meaning - Finding Your Life's Purpose" in St.Thomas at the St.Thomas Seniors' Centre. It will be held on Saturday February 7th with the movie beginning at 7:30pm and there will be wine and cheese at 9pm. All proceeds will go to the Christie Rose Scholarship Fund and the Trillium Gift of Life Network. More info on the movie can be found at Tickets are $30/person.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What are we doing??

Lots of fun and frolic goes along with the Christmas holiday season. For many of us it is well deserved after a year of working hard and making ends meet. It gives us a time together with friends and family to celebrate our friendships and love for each other. Loving mankind as it should be. We all long for that and it keeps us going. We all know this and yet there are so many people on this planet that are in conflict with each other. It was brought forward to me by a video posted on Facebook by one of my friends. My, oh my...we need to take stock of what we are doing. There are war ravaged countries on the planet that are in dire need of love. Children are born and grow up in environments of war and that is all they may ever know. How dreadfully sad is that...We get very caught up in our own lives and often forget to understand what is going on in other parts of the world. This was my reminder this morning....that I need to move out of my own selfishness at times and remember those who need attention more than I do. Thank you Donna for moving me to tears this morning and reminding me that the world is a sad place that is longing for love.

For anyone interested the video link is

Blessings to everyone this holiday season......Namaste

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas memories...

Just wondering what your favorite Christmas memory is? Was it when you were small or was it as an adult? There are maybe so many memories that it might be hard to pick just one. I remember the year I peeked at a gift and how I felt having done that....I was disappointed with myself and vowed to never, ever do that again! it was horrible ! And then there was the year that an Aunt and Uncle were there for the first time and the gifts were spilling out everywhere and my eyes as a young child grew bigger and bigger as I looked at this display! When my children were small it was so amazing to see them just even opening their gifts. Full of excitement and eyes the size of saucers! Lots of giggles and smiles and looks of amazement! Now more than ever my memories are of being together as a family. Our 'tree trimming' parties where there would be lots of food and drink and then the final ornament hung and "voila"...the beautiful tree in all its glory!! Or the Christmas dinners with so much love at the table and all of us together as a family. My heart is full when my family is gathered around the dinner table. I have been blessed with many memories and I know there are many great memories to come yet and I look forward to each and every one!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I have been noticing lately the level of disconnect that is all around us. It is as though life in many ways is coming apart. It might be really obvious sometimes and other times it is so very subtle. I see people that are disconnected from their jobs, their friends, their homelife, their partnerships, and even from themselves. It is so sad to see because we all need to feel connected to something in order to feel safe and well, but for some reason we have let go of that connection and somehow we think that is the safe way to go. Never having to be a part of something and this then allows us to almost remain anonymous. Because if we are anonymous then we can hide and not be seen by others. We can live a silent life. What does that accomplish truly for ourselves though? Humans desire connectedness and yet I see it pushed it away. We want loving relationships and yet I see many loveless relationships. It's as though we have experienced loss or hurt in lots of different areas of our lives and now we are going to protect ourselves at all cost and this shows through our disconnect. It puzzles me somewhat.....and yet I understand why. It does make me sad though.....

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's getting so close...

Today I took some time to get some Christmas shopping done and really can't say that I did a whole lot. Bought one gift and yet was able to find the time to buy myself a new trench for the spring. Of course it was a great deal and just needed to be in my closet! I can't even wear it for several months but oh when it is warm enough don't you know I will be looking great!!!LOL!! I did manage to meet with a dear friend and do the 'tree' thing. It's a tradition that just needs to happen every year.....and it is always a good time to catch up on our lives.....I also got a batch of cookies half made....just need to fill them and then decorate. My, I just seem to be disjointed in many of my efforts, but somehow it all comes together. I have a little over one week before the big day is here and will need to really focus on getting my act together soon! It will all be good though and peace will reign on Christmas day.......

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winter is back!

Well...I say 'winter is back' and yet officially it hasn't even arrived! We had such a pretty snowfall yesterday and it lasted all day! So it did pile up and the snow shovels were once again out in force. I was at the book shop yesterday and I must say it was pretty to look out the windows and see the snow falling....and if you remember, I am not a 'winter' person. It was a perfect day (in my dreamy eyes) to be shopping for Christmas downtown and there were people making it through the snowfall doing just that! In fact it was my best day yet at the shop!

So, a great day all around! And Megan and I finished the baking for the cookie exchange too! And they look awesome!! Have a great day all and stay warm if you are in snowflake land!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

December already.....

December is here and so many people today commented on that fact.....I like that it is December for a couple of reasons. Yes, it does mean that Christmas is getting closer and for me that is fun and a good thing. I love the spirit of the season and the goodwill that it brings. It also means that we are heading into winter, which for me means that we are one step closer to Spring, if that makes any sense at all!! lol!! Can you tell that I am not a big fan of winter??...... I don't like the cold and yet I don't dress to stay warm either...I rebel by hardly ever wearing boots and don't always dress for the, I truly should not complain, because I make it my own problem. So Spring is very attractive to me and December means it is getting closer....December 21st being a favorite day because after that the days get longer and we are well on our way to Spring and even Summer! It's all such a game in my head just to make it thru the cold! Silly me...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A tree was lost....

Technology is all around me and there are more days than not that I am very thankful for it. This morning though I think I felled a tree. Paper work that I needed to be complete, but the paper wasted in the end was not good. Of course I always use it as scrap paper instead of throwing it out right away, but it just made me take notice this morning for some reason. Reduce, reuse, recycle is the mantra that we all know and I think the most important one is to reduce. So I will use less and then have less to reuse or recycle. It is so easy though to NOT think this way. We have become accustomed to abundance, but it is running out in many ways. Our years of having it all are closing in on us and we need to learn a different way.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Connecting together........

Here we are again in the midst of the holiday season. Some people are less than enthusiastic about this time of year and for me it is quite the opposite. I love this time of year when we truly celebrate family connections and our love of gathering together. The grumblings that I hear most often have to do with the commercialism or the cost of Christmas and all I will say about that right now is that we all have choices. For me though, this time of year allows us to come together as family and friends and truly acknowledge our relationships. In the busy world that we live in we so often become islands unto ourselves and live separated from one another. Life itself can be solitary in many ways also as we run from place to place and work long hours to meet deadlines. We might work alone or barely have contact with others. There used to be a greater existence of connectedness in workplaces, communities and families, and now it seems that much of that is lost. Families and friends are so often spread apart geographically, making connectedness even more difficult. As human beings we need to connect with others throughout our lives. We pair off as couples and create friendships that nurture us in many ways. Our emotional, spiritual and psychological well-being are directly related to those connections. We in fact live longer lives when we have companionship rather than not. I am thankful for every holiday season that will again bring us together as a family. Or to bring friends together to join in on a time together that will nurture our inner selves. It is a time when we will possibly see family or friends that we have not been able to get together with during the year, but holiday time lets us do that. We spend too many days throughout the year separated from others due to many circumstances and the holidays allow us to come together. Studies have shown that human touch, companionship, and the coming together of persons indeed makes us more balanced and healthier individuals. So I hope that we return to understanding the importance of gathering together, not only during the holidays, but also throughout the year. Make it a point to come together and allow the nurturing to take place and fill you with good energy. It will make a difference in many, many ways. And those are just my thoughts...........

Heart Warmers....

Hearing that friends stopped in the pouring rain to look at the book shop windows decorated for Christmas! What a nice gesture.........

Before the World Awakens

I love early mornings. The quiet that this time of day has for me is energizing and both calming at the same time. I'm not sure if that makes any sense but it does for me. I could easily sit outside and listen to 'nothing' so to say. The traffic hasn't begun, the people are not rushing about and there is stillness all around. Some people would choose to sleep and that is ok too. For me, this time of day is so's definately my favorite time of day by far. And I can have this small pleasure every day....

So now my quiet time is over and my day starts....good morning everyone! ;)

Hello for the first time.....

I thought I would like to share thoughts that I sometimes have with others and I invite you to read from time to time that which I will write. Sometimes I find that I have thoughts that I will write down and they will sometimes reflect a profound feeling I have about something and other times it might be just something silly. So you never know what might come of my writing. I hope you may find my blog interesting and if not....don't worry....there is no obligation. :) All is good here....just a way for me to connect with you .....or maybe it is my own connection with me. We will see.....

This way of communicating is new to me so here goes another new adventure! I love it! My life has been filled with lots of new things lately, so this will follow along with all of that. Never too old to learn they say......