Monday, January 2, 2012

early morning.....

I'm having my cup of tea before heading into work today. I always get up so early before going into work that I have time to do all kinds of things and most people that I let know just how early I get up think that I am completely crazy. It's just my style I guess and I have done this for years. It's such a nice quiet time for me and lets me set my tone for the day especially the days that I work. It's 'my' time for me.

 I've been struggling with feeling 'under the weather' for the last several days and by the end of my shift yesterday I was really feeling pretty tired. I came home and managed to relax for a bit and then did watch the new Oprah show with her interview with Steven Tyler. I didn't think I would make it to the end but I did miraculously. I found his book so fascinating and was interested in seeing him in conversation with Oprah.

I do feel a bit better again today and since I have today and tomorrow yet to work I will make my way through those days the best I can. Sick time at work is so largely frowned upon that you tend to go into work feeling unwell and probably prolong the entire event. Alas, it is what it has come to and I will endure. My goal is to work toward better levels of immunity and forgo any further illness at least for a while. There are a lot of 'bugs' going around presently and our family has not been exempt so I guess it was bound to be my turn with it.

Ok, so this blog has been nothing profound or notable and that's fine. Kind of like a day off. So, until next :)

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