Monday, October 31, 2011

Spiritual fine tuning.....

Spirit has given me 2 weeks to do some fine tuning. I have been home sick for 2 weeks and this time has been one of spiritual and physical health reflection. I've run a gammut of emotions with this illness from being frustrated with it to being grateful for it. That's my spiritual side clashing with my human side. That is a lesson in and of itself. Learning to balance those two aspects of our personalities. It's easier somedays more so than others. The biggest lesson is that when I am given these times to reflect I really need to follow through with that which I resolve to change or alter. So many times once we feel improved we easily let go of or forget all the reflecting we did and carry on just the same as always. The only thing with that is that we may find ourselves ill again in the future and reflecting again on all the same things. Why do the work twice? I need to get it right.....or at least partly right :) the first time. After that I can work on new things when given the chance and maybe Spirit won't 'put me down' by getting sick and forcing myself to have that time alone. So I continue to learn and am grateful and thankful for that. Lessons learned from inside of an illness.

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