Wednesday, July 6, 2011

community gardening........

our lovely tomatoes

romaine ready for the salad bowl

teeny tiny peppers coming along :)

I had to watch Brody for a bit this morning and since they don't live far from the Community
Garden site I thought we could walk over and see how all of our plants were growing. Brody loves going for a walk so off we went. The garden plots are all coming along great and harvesting of some vegetables is ready to go. I picked some more swiss chard, basil, arugula and onions and will use these for our dinner tonight. I love the whole thing about 'from garden to table' and can now appreciate so much more what my parents had a garden for. This little garden plot has done so much for me in terms of my own growth. the garden grows, I grow also. It is creating connection for me. Connection to the earth, the plants, to community with others, my daughter who I share my plot with and also a further connection to my grandson who often comes with me when I go there. I believed for a long time that the community gardens would be such a huge benefit in so many ways for so many people and that was where my passion was focused. I was focused on how others would benefit. I love giving people an opportunity to learn and this was a perfect project for just that. I believe it is certainly providing all of those things to all the gardeners and yet its impact for me is the bonus in all of this. I have learned so much already in the short time that we have been gardening together. I look forward to all that is yet to come.

As I said my garden grows, I grow also.......and this is a good thing.

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