Thursday, November 24, 2011

children going hungry.....still in 2011

I watched a tv program yesterday and the host had two persons on who are involved in an organization that helps to feed children. It was called "Blessings In A Backpack". I know we have 'healthy breakfast' programs in many of our schools but this was a program that fills backpacks with food so that the children can take them home and help to feed their families on the weekend. They return the backpack on the Monday and the following Friday the backpack is filled again. I am not naive by any means but this program and the fact that we need something like this made me sad. Some of the children that were recieving these backpacks were on the show and they said that it made them feel good about themselves to be able to contribute to their family being able to eat. I could see their pride in this but I wish that children didn't need to concern themselves with where their dinner is coming from.

I realize that not unlike many nations we continue to have a 'hungry' population even in our own country of Canada. I'm not talking about Third World Nations here......this is right in our own backyard. I struggle to understand how this still happens and exists in 2011. We are a very powerful and strong nation and yet we cannot feed our own children and families. We seem to have placed our responsibilities in areas that don't include one of the basics of life. Maslow's heirarchy of needs includes food at the bottom of the pyramid as one of the 'most' basic of needs. If children especially are not recieving proper nutrition in the way of food then how is it possible for the next levels of Maslow's heirarchy to bode well in their lives. Nutrition is just too important for us to have children or adults going without food. There is just something about all of this that makes me very sad. I know that I will be making a contribution and that it will then allow for a child to take a backpack home and help to feed his or her family. Let's all do what we can to make a difference. Check out their website @ Blessings In a Backpack

Blessings to all............

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