Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Looking forward......

It seems that I am away from here for great lengths of time and it is always time to catch up. The summer has moved along and now fall is certainly in the air. I must admit that I am feeling a very strong need to 'nest' lately. The coolness of the air for me translates into being 'cosy' and 'cocooning'. Almost what bears must feel like when the hibernation urge descends on them? I am longing for comfort foods such as soups and stews and I even can envision a snow storm outside while I remain all snuggled up inside. It fascinates me as to how these things come out in us simply due to the weather we experience. Our instincts are so amazing! I by no means and looking forward to paying the heating bill or shoveling the snow, but I have come to understand that it is all a trade-off.

The snow will have a new significance for me this year and it will be interesting to see how that plays out for me. I will explain that in another blog soon.

So here it is only September and yet my gardener speaks of winter clean up and I am beginning to order my books for the Christmas season for the book shop. Our lives are continuous cycles of time. Round and round we go and hopefully we enjoy all of it. It surprises me to be looking forward to winter. I have never truly done that. So this will be new for me. But there is much that is new lately. And it is all good.

Until next time..........

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