It's so interesting that at each and every point in our lives we feel and believe as though we have a full grip on it and are doing and living exactly the way we should be. I know that for me that has usually been the case. And if we look carefully we can see that given where we were 'at', at the time it makes total sense. But when we have moved on from that time and space for whatever reason we can then look back and see just how mistaken we were. But then again, I guess for that time.....it was right so there are no mistakes. It gets pretty deep and introspective, because I have come a long way on my journey and today I feel the most grounded I have ever felt and yet I have thought this before. There is a difference though. There were times in the past that I was convincing myself to believe this and now it feels the most real that it ever has. There is no urgency and there is no convincing that needs to happen. It just 'is' and it feels the best yet. It is somewhat difficult to explain. More later..............
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