Friday, March 11, 2011

March is my favorite month .......

Seriously, I have been blogging about all the rain of the last 3 days and this morning I wake up to a winter wonderland! There is a snowfall warning for the day and it all reminds me of just how full of personality the month of March is. You just never know what is going to happen with the weather this month! It was lucky for us that we drove to Toronto yesterday because I'm sure we would have put our trip off if we had awoken to this amount of snow.
March is for me the signaling that Spring is but around the corner! The 1st of March puts me in the mood for Spring. A warm day in November is nothing like a warm day in March. A change in the weather is the sign that good things are coming. Robins make their return and actually a friend of mine has already seen one on his farm. Miss March, as I will call her can be so ever changing with her weather delights. You can expect anything in March be it snow, rain, sleet, sunshine or an ice storm. Amazing! She will always keep you guessing.
Apparently the snow is going to continue for the day so I will look out my window and admire the beauty that has fallen from the sky. I have a big list of things to accomplish today so I had best begin.
The picture is of a large bush in my backyard. It's so beautiful with the snow on its branches. Keep warm everyone and enjoy the beauty of the snow.

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