It's early yet and my favorite time of day is upon me. I love this time when the world around me is waking anew. It is sometimes still dark depending on the time of year, and it most often is quiet. Each new day is like a new beginning. It allows us to maybe reflect back on our yesterdays and choose something different if that's what is needed. Each day begins with a new sparkle and we can allow that sparkle to shine all day or possibly dull it. I must for myself let the sparkle continue to shine. I have had my years of 'dullness' and they were my lessons in life. I still might have some moments that don't shine as brightly, but I am able to learn from them and then continue to move forward. The popular saying that goes "life is too short" is something we need to stop just saying and really put meaning to. Our lives will be over before we know it and each new day needs to be lived fully. We cannot go back into our day once the sun sets on it. It is our history at that point. I need to make mine a history that I will look back fondly on and not feel regretful about.
So here I sit with my morning tea (this morning it's Milk Thistle) and I will allow my day to unfold quietly and with a new sparkle.
May your day unfold well also.
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