There is a small group of women who are moving forward valiantly to again this year provide the city folk with an opportunity to be involved in a Community Garden. We had our efforts somewhat driven off course last year, but this has not dampened our enthusiasm. We will keep doing what we need to do so that our town can be like most of the rest around and enjoy a Community Garden.
The garden will offer so much in so many ways. People will firsthand be able to grow their own food and learn along the way so much from other folks and their own experiences. Sharing of information will be something great to watch happen amongst the gardeners. It will be a social outlet for some and for others it might be an almost meditative experience to be able to spend time in the garden plot while the troubles of daily life can be set aside for a time. Children will be able to experience firsthand the understanding of where our food essentially comes from and what we need to do to make it grow and produce. There will also be the experience of finding out about new foods and then incorporating them into their diet. Learning about nutrition is important for all of us and the fact that we are growing food in good soil and then eating these fresh vegetables is perfect! There is also a monetary savings when you grow your own food. All in all the benefits that a community garden will bring are huge. It doesn't get much better than that!
It has been a long and at times difficult journey for us in the garden group, but this summer will see two gardens come to fruition. I look forward to the growing season and all that it will bring. I will post more as the growing season unfolds.......
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