Wednesday, October 12, 2011

living large..........

What is it that we really see around us or inside of us? Is what we see the truth or do we simply make it look like our truth and then accept it as that? We are really good at pretending to believe something when in fact we know that it is not the 'real deal', but in an effort to protect ourselves we go for it. It's our easiest choice. This behaviour is how we course through our days and it allows us to stay safe in the falsity of the situation or the belief. It's easier to pretend our way through life than get real with our life.
 I have done this in the past and probably still participate in it now until I quickly realize what I am doing. When you have the awareness of the 'reality' of the situation, your conscience then much more easily and quickly picks up on it and then you can have that inner dialogue with yourself as to whether you choose what's right or what's wrong. We have become so brilliant at letting ourselves believe something when in fact its either not true or is only a mere representation on what is true. We play along. But it serves us in so many ways. Is it easier to believe a falsity than the truth? It must be because we do it all the time. So why is 'real' life so hard to accept? What makes it difficult? Maybe in part because we let others determine what is 'right' or 'wrong' in our lives or societal lives? We have moved our beliefs towards letting others be in charge and then we give ourself permission to be a victim to that. Really? A victim? Maybe a victim of ourselves because can you really blame it on someone else ?We like to feel safe and all of this lets us stay safe. To venture out of our safe world and get real is often a deal breaker for many. It's like 'rocking' our own boat. Who wants that. Well, it's most often the only time that things will make a difference in our lives. Stepping outside of our safety zone is scary and since we have lived inside of this for so, so long its very foreign to us. So we stay safe and our growth is squelched. We accept unconsciously that we have to live this way, but yet at some point we turn inward and wonder why our lives are unfulfilled. Sometimes we just simply settle for less than we need to and believe that this is OK and that this is what our life is destined to be. How sad this is. Of course we don't need to live 'large' lives in terms of possession, but we need to live large in terms of authenticity. I think that until we look around us and ask ourselves if we are really in charge of the life we are living then we aren't really sharing who the 'true' us is. Once you decide to be 'real' and let the rest of the 'unreal' fall away you will feel a sense of relief come over you. The pressure of always being 'on' is lifted and we can live that authentic life we deserve. Listen closely to your inner voice to see if all is well with you. Everyone arrives at a different time. And that's simply OK......I just want to meet you there......


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