It is early morning on a Sunday and it is the day that we set aside to acknowledge the gratitude and thanks that we observe in our lives. This is the day that we 'publicly' allow ourselves to feel thankful. For me it is a day that we get together as a family and give our thanks, but I make sure that each and every day of my life I do the same. Someone might think that that is a bit over the top and do we really remember to give thanks each day? Well, for me it is important that I do that. I cannot take for granted all that I have been allowed or given in my life. Each day does present itself with many things that I am grateful for and the challenge sometimes is being thankful for those things that are not always a positive or good thing. Even the struggles that we have are something that I can be grateful for. That took me a long time to understand, but I'm finally getting to the point where I am accepting of that. I find my lessons in life are mostly presented to me as a challenge and the gratitude comes along when I can see the gift in it. So yes, I am grateful each and every day.
Today is a day that we share our thanks 'together'. It's a day where we can come together with friends and or family and celebrate all that we have in our life. Today is also a day of 'giving'....where we can give of ourselves and be grateful to have the opportunity. Give of yourself and expect nothing in return. Give of yourself because it is the right thing to do.Give because you can....simply give. It will make you feel good and raise your spirits. It helps a person to feel well....and that is also something to be thankful for.
Every day take just a moment of it and be thankful. Even if its just for the simplest of things. Even if its just for having that 'moment' in time. Gratitude doesn't only apply to the 'big' things. It's about everything.......find your gratitude and acknowledge it every day. Don't let it slip to the back of your mind. Keep it right there out in front and let it do the work it knows best. It will raise your awareness and bring peace to your whole being.
Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who are here with me today.......thank you for sharing these words together. Blessings to all.
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