It's the Monday following my weekend of work and it always feels so great to wake up to no workday and a day to myself! I do have things that need to be done, but they are all things that are welcome. It's a cool morning, the sun is shining brightly and the leaves are quiet on the trees. I am heading out on the road this morning to visit a friend in Woodstock. We get together from time to time and I look forward to seeing him this. He had to put his beloved dog "Jack" down 6 months ago and has just this week rescued a new dog named "Maggie"....of all things.....my namesake ! Can't wait to meet her! I should take her some treats. I also have to make a trip to the farm today and pick up a basket of goodies from my friend Cathy. She and her husband own an organic farm and since I wasn't able to make it to the local market this week she kindly puts together an assortment of produce for me to take home with me. She is one of the dearest women I know. So hard working......whew! I admire her so much. By that time it will be time to pick up my grandson Brody from his daycare. His mommy is getting a pedicure after work so I get to pick him up and have some playtime with him. Lucky me! And then I think it will be close to dinner time and Megan, Brody and I can all have something yummy to eat. I think I will make fajitas.....sounds good! A nice close to the day.
I hope your Monday is exactly what you want it to be too!
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