The world we live in is a noisy one to say the least. Our ears are filled with sound from the time we get up until we go to bed. We turn on the radio or tv sometimes just to have sound fill the room. We are often uncomfortable with silence. How interesting.......why do we not enjoy the silence? Does our mind need to fill itself with something?.......anything? We often hear people refer to 'peace and quiet' as something that they seek, but then when it is offered to them they move away from it and find themselves back in the "noise of life" because this feels most common to them.I can remember times when silence did bother me. When there was no sound around me my mind would race and my thoughts would create noise in my head. Not a good noise either.......a mess of thoughts that then I needed to be distracted from. Not anymore. Now I can find the solace and peace in silence that I deserve and that will assist me in becoming a more balanced person. It wasn't necessarily all that easy though. I had to let the silence into my life little by little and become friendly with it. Silence had to become my new friend. One that I could trust to bring good things into my life and not let my own self create noise to replace it. Slowly over time I connected with silence. I think that finding peace in silence is closely equated with finding peace inside of yourself. Being at peace with your inner self and expressing it outwardly is a way of sharing it. We don't need noise to mask our true thoughts and feelings. We don't need noise to fill a space that sits empty inside of ourselves. Silence gives our bodies the rest it so truly deserves. It is not a physical rest, but the effects of bringing silence into our lives does affect our physical body. When we take care of our psychological self we are also taking care of our physical self. It all works together. How perfect is that. I have always been drawn to the very early morning when the world has not yet awoken. I love the darkness and the silence that goes along with it. To me that is a perfect time of day. The quiet begins my day and carries itself with me. I can draw on that silence throughout the day when needed.
I came across this quote from Mother Teresa that encompasses an aspect of silence....
"See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grow in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls”
~Mother Teresa
Let the silence in and it will touch your own soul.
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