A year has gone by and we soon will be welcoming 2012 into our lives. Well, for some it may be a welcoming feeling and maybe not for others. It's different for everyone and how they look at the prospects and the offering of a new year. It's somewhat likened to a 'new slate' for many and that's OK. That may in fact be a good thing for some, allowing themselves to 'begin again'. It may be exactly what they need. A new slate is good in terms of allowing ourselves to look at how we want to make different choices that will help to build the architecture of the life that we are in fact creating.
I'm not so much about New Years resolutions, but in fact like to resolve to make a resolution each and every day to live the best life possible. That might sound too over the top' for some, but for me its easier than making a big set of resolutions once a year and then feeling let down if or when I don't follow through with some of them. It tends to feel too 'big' for me at the beginning of each year so I choose instead to make it a daily ritual. It feels like a smaller 'bite' to take on and you always have the next day to try again or live differently.
For me the year has been one filled with many personal accomplishments. I have done a lot of inner work and been able to see inside of myself better than I have ever been able to in the past. I think the difference for me was that I was willing to 'look' inside and really 'see' myself without any judgements. This was key for me. When I finally really set out to 'learn' about Maggie that was when it all started to come together. I was able to shed certain thought processes and also retrain my brain to think and choose differently. I was able to look at my 'mistaken beliefs' and understand how they came to be and how they adversely affected my life. None of this work was easy. Some of it was relentlessly painful to look at and work through, but the rewards of letting them go was the goal that I saw in front of me and I was determined to get there. Part of that goal was to feel free from all that weighed me down and was essentially holding me back. Anyone who knows me might think that I look pretty all together and for the most part that is true, but we all have things inside that could use some work and the inner freedom that you get from doing this is the greatest reward ever. It doesn't mean that I don't have days that are challenging or days that I think maybe I should just go back to bed and start all over again, but on those days I now know better how I need to navigate through them best for myself.
For as many years as I can remember I have been saying to myself and those who have worked with me on gaining personal insight, that what I wanted most in life was 'peace and contentment'. And that sounds so simple doesn't it?? I think it is simple, but we so greatly complicate our lives in so many, many ways that the peace and contentment that we strive and look for is but a mirage in the distance. Something that we keep running towards but we never get there because of the roadblocks we construct. I wasn't putting things into place to allow that for myself and one of my mistaken beliefs supported that. I didn't really believe that I deserved a peaceful existence so I kept thwarting my efforts to achieve it. And I must remember that this was in my subconscious mind and tied to so much from my past. So much of this I didn't even realize and when I learned more and more about myself all the pieces of the puzzle started to come together. My life's self portrait no longer looks like a distorted Picasso painting but rather a beautiful landscape that I know has come about because of the careful tending and nurturing that I have afforded it.
So I can truly say that I look forward to this next year that lies ahead of me with great anticipation. For me it will be a year filled with 'days' where I can make choices that will continue to tend to the garden of my 'self' and provide the nurturing that I need. It's the only life I want to choose because I know that for me it's the best one.
May you transition into 2012 and be able to reflect on how you have grown in the last year. May the New Year hold for you all that you desire and bring blessings to your life. That is my wish for you.
Namaste to all................
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