Saturday, May 23, 2009

A wonderul day for me...

Oh it was so nice to go the market this morning and find such wonderful goods! I came home with a basket of fresh organic foods and so much more! A great sense of belonging to a community of folks who respect and honor local foods and products. Everyone coming together and making it all work. I love it!

Home with all my goodies and then off to the book shop. Oracles is the setting for artist Robin Baratta this weekend as she exhibits her art and also shares her craft instore by working on her current piece. She is passionate not only about art, but the message it brings and the current message is "the environment" and the impact we are having on it. The St.Thomas & Elgin Artist's Tour is at various locations around town this weekend. I hope people check it out.

I called to set aside my asparagus order and tonight will put it down for winter. Oh, that is going to be SO awesome when the cold winds are blowing and the snow is flying! We will be having a lovely bowl of creamy asparagus soup to warm us up! I can't wait!

Today is good. A gift each day is....some just look different than others, but each one a gift. We don't always see it though. I will work on that ......

Hoping your day is a great one!

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